
Isostearic acid is a clear, pale yellow liquid at room temperature. It has a mild odor, which makes it suitable for use in formulations where scent neutrality is important. The clarity and consistency of isostearic acid contribute to its desirability in cosmetic and industrial applications, as it blends seamlessly with other ingredients without altering the visual or olfactory profile of the final product.


Pale yellow


Liquid at room temperature




Pale yellow


Liquid at room temperature


The liquid form of isostearic acid ensures easy handling and mixing in various formulations. Its pale yellow color does not interfere with the appearance of the final products, making it an excellent choice for applications where visual aesthetics are crucial.


The solubility of isostearic acid Chemical ingredients are integral to various industries. Here’s how they are utilized:

Soluble in

Oils and organic solvents

Insoluble in


Soluble in

Oils and organic solvents

Insoluble in

This solubility profile makes isostearic acid an excellent emulsifier and stabilizer in oil-in-water emulsions. It enhances the texture, consistency, and stability of products, particularly in the cosmetics industry. Its ability to dissolve in oils and organic solvents allows it to mix well with other ingredients, ensuring uniform distribution throughout the formulation.

Applications of Solubility:

Cosmetics: In skincare and haircare products, isostearic acid helps to create smooth, stable emulsions, improving the feel and performance of creams, lotions, and conditioners.
Industrial Products: In lubricants and coatings, its solubility in oils ensures effective blending and performance enhancement.
Food Industry: Though less common, its solubility properties can be utilized in certain food-grade applications requiring stable emulsions.

Chemical Properties

Isostearic acid is characterized by its unique chemical structure, which provides several beneficial properties for industrial and cosmetic applications. Here are some key chemical properties:

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight

284.48 g/mol

Boiling Point

Approximately 250°C

Melting Point

-10°C to -6°C


Relatively low, aiding in easy application and spreadability

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight

284.48 g/mol

Boiling Point

Approximately 250°C

Melting Point

-10°C to -6°C


Relatively low, aiding in easy application and spreadability

Chemical Structure

Isostearic acid is a branched-chain fatty acid derived from the isomerization of stearic acid. Its branched structure imparts oxidative stability, making it resistant to rancidity and degradation over time. This stability is crucial in applications where long shelf life and consistent performance are required.

Hydrophobic Nature

The hydrophobic nature of isostearic acid makes it an excellent barrier against moisture. This property is particularly beneficial in products designed for long-lasting protection and water resistance, such as waterproof cosmetics and industrial coatings.

Oxidative Stability

The branched structure of isostearic acid prevents close packing of molecules, reducing the likelihood of oxidative degradation. This stability is particularly beneficial in cosmetic formulations, where product stability and longevity are critical.

Viscosity and Spreadability

The relatively low viscosity of isostearic acid enhances its spreadability and application in various formulations. It ensures that products containing isostearic acid apply smoothly and evenly, providing a pleasant user experience.

Applications and Benefits

Isostearic acid’s unique physical and chemical properties make it an indispensable ingredient in various industries. Here are some key applications and benefits:

1. Cosmetics:

Moisturizers and Lotions: Isostearic acid provides excellent emollient properties, helping to soften and smooth the skin.
Hair Care Products: It improves the texture and spreadability of conditioners and styling products, enhancing their performance.
Makeup: Its mild odor and colorless nature make it suitable for use in makeup products, where it helps to improve texture and stability.

2. Industrial Applications:

Lubricants: Isostearic acid’s oxidative stability makes it an ideal component in lubricants, ensuring long-lasting performance.
Coatings: It enhances the durability and stability of industrial coatings, protecting surfaces from wear and corrosion.

3. Environmental Impact:

Isostearic acid is derived from renewable sources, making it a more sustainable option compared to other fatty acids. It is biodegradable and environmentally friendly, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products.

4.Comparison with Other Fatty Acids:

Compared to other fatty acids, isostearic acid offers superior oxidative stability and a more appealing sensory profile. Its branched structure sets it apart, providing unique benefits that are highly valued in both cosmetic and industrial applications.


Understanding the physical characteristics of isostearic acid, including its appearance, solubility, and chemical properties, highlights its versatility and importance in various applications. Its favorable attributes, such as oxidative stability, mild odor, and excellent emulsifying properties, make it a valuable ingredient in enhancing the performance and stability of a wide range of products. Whether in cosmetics, industrial lubricants, or coatings, isostearic acid stands out as a superior choice for formulating high-quality, effective products.


What is the appearance of isostearic acid?

Isostearic acid is a clear, pale yellow liquid at room temperature with a mild odor, making it suitable for various formulations without altering the product's appearance or scent.

Is isostearic acid water-soluble?

No, isostearic acid is not water-soluble. It is soluble in oils and organic solvents, which makes it effective in emulsifying and stabilizing oil-in-water formulations.

What makes isostearic acid chemically unique?

Isostearic acid has a branched-chain structure, which enhances its oxidative stability, prevents crystallization at lower temperatures, and provides a hydrophobic nature that repels moisture.

Why is oxidative stability important in isostearic acid?

Oxidative stability prevents isostearic acid from rancidity and degradation over time, ensuring long shelf life and consistent performance in products like cosmetics and lubricants.

How does isostearic acid's branched structure benefit its applications?

The branched structure of isostearic acid enhances its fluidity, prevents crystallization, and provides a stable, non-crystalline form that is essential for applications requiring consistent texture and stability.

What are the main applications of isostearic acid?

Isostearic acid is widely used in cosmetics (moisturizers, lotions, hair care products), industrial lubricants, and coatings due to its stability, hydrophobic nature, and excellent spreadability.

Is isostearic acid environmentally friendly?

Yes, isostearic acid is derived from renewable sources and is biodegradable, making it an environmentally friendly option for sustainable product development.

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