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Water Decoloring Agent

Water Decoloring Agent

Chemical Formula:

Varies depending on the specific agent used, often based on organic and inorganic components.

CAS Number:


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Water Decoloring Agent

Chemical Formula:

Varies depending on the specific agent used, often based on organic and inorganic components.

CAS Number:


Water decoloring agents are chemicals used to remove color from wastewater, especially from industries like textiles, paper, and food processing. They work by breaking down or removing colorants such as dyes and pigments, making the water suitable for discharge or reuse. These agents are essential in improving the quality of effluent water and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.


Molar Weight

Varies depending on the specific chemical composition of the decoloring agent.


Key applications

  • Textile Industry: Removes dyes and colorants from wastewater.
  • Paper Industry: Used for decolorizing paper mill effluents.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: Removes coloring agents from water used in food processing.
  • Environmental Treatment: Used in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment to meet regulatory standards.


  • Textile Industry
  • Paper Manufacturing
  • Food and Beverage
  • Water Treatment


Decolorizing Agent Effluent Treatment Agent Color Remover

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