Grade \ Packaging | Containers | Jerricans | Drums | IBCs & Tanker Trucks |
Technical Grade | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Industrial Grade | No | No | Yes | Yes |
High-Purity Grade | No | No | Yes | Yes |
A Tetrasulfonated Optical Whitening Agent is a fluorescent compound used to brighten and whiten textiles, paper, detergents, and cosmetics. These agents absorb ultraviolet light and emit blue light, which counteracts yellowish or dull hues, making the treated material appear whiter and brighter. The “tetrasulfonated” term refers to the presence of four sulfonic acid groups in the molecular structure, which provides water solubility and enhances the performance of the whitening agent in aqueous solutions. These agents are commonly used in the textile industry, laundry detergents, cosmetic products, and paper products to improve the appearance by enhancing brightness.
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