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Tetrasulfonated Optical Whitening Agent

Tetrasulfonated Optical Whitening Agent

Chemical Formula:

Typically C₁₈H₁₈N₂Na₄O₈S₄, a common formula for tetrasulfonated optical brighteners.

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Tetrasulfonated Optical Whitening Agent

Chemical Formula:

Typically C₁₈H₁₈N₂Na₄O₈S₄, a common formula for tetrasulfonated optical brighteners.

CAS Number:

A Tetrasulfonated Optical Whitening Agent is a fluorescent compound used to brighten and whiten textiles, paper, detergents, and cosmetics. These agents absorb ultraviolet light and emit blue light, which counteracts yellowish or dull hues, making the treated material appear whiter and brighter. The “tetrasulfonated” term refers to the presence of four sulfonic acid groups in the molecular structure, which provides water solubility and enhances the performance of the whitening agent in aqueous solutions. These agents are commonly used in the textile industry, laundry detergents, cosmetic products, and paper products to improve the appearance by enhancing brightness.


Molar Weight

Varies based on the specific compound, commonly around 600-800 g/mol for tetrasulfonated optical whitening agents.


Key applications

  • Textile Industry: Used to improve the whiteness and brightness of fabrics, especially for cotton, synthetics, and blended fibers.
  • Laundry Detergents: Added to detergents to brighten clothes by counteracting yellowing.
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care: Used in skincare and makeup formulations to enhance the appearance of skin and reduce dullness.
  • Paper Industry: Used to improve the whiteness and appearance of paper products.


  • Textile Industry
  • Laundry Detergents
  • Cosmetics and Skincare
  • Paper Manufacturing


Optical Brightener Fluorescent Whitening Agent Tetrasulfonated Optical Brightener

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